Stop jerking around, we need answers!
I’m just here before the show gets good.
Come lads, pull up a chair, this is gonna get fun
I’ve met quite a lot of people in the industry in Japan, but one guy, a still photographer, really sticks out. Super creepy dude from northern Europe, got his kicks showing random people at the bar I was working at his “work.” It was a bit funny with regulars, but you could tell it made a lot of people uncomfortable after a while. His shit was niche as hell though, so most people probably didn’t know what they were shown given a quick glance.
As far as hearing how he liked the work, it seems like a lot of his work was so niche it didn’t really hit him in a sexual way, but judging from his actions and way of speaking around others I’m sure there was more to him than I could see at the time.
“nOt A pHoToGrApHeR bUt…”