Domande di Internet

People with actual diagnosed mental conditions such as anxiety, how annoying is it to see people on social media throwing around the term so loosely?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People with actual diagnosed mental conditions such as anxiety, how annoying is it to see people on social media throwing around the term so loosely?
People with actual diagnosed mental conditions such as anxiety, how annoying is it to see people on social media throwing around the term so loosely?

Ed ecco le risposte:

If the coping mechanisms I use also help them, I really don’t care.

Anxiety has been in common usage far longer than it’s been a medical diagnosis, so I have no cause for complaint with anxiety. Bipolar gets misused a lot though and it’s honestly rather annoying.

I don’t ever make the assumption that people talking about these conditions don’t actually have it. It doesn’t effect me, and it normalizes conversations about mental illness.

My fight isn’t with them, it’s with me.

I mean, I’m on the Spectrum and I have anxiety, but it doesn’t really bother me that much. I do dislike when people use autism as an insult, or fake mental disorders for clout.