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People who’ve been single for a long time: how do you deal with the lack of intimacy?

I’m pretty introverted, so the lack of companionship doesn’t bother me that much. I have a few close friends and talk to each of them about once every six weeks or so, and I interact with people from work fairly regularly. Plus I have my parents and siblings, whom I talk to often, so I really don’t lack the social interaction I need. An ideal night for me is just watching YouTube / playing Switch / fucking around on MassimoL, so being single is kind of a nice fit.

As far as sex goes, I’ve found it’s helpful to try to think of masturbation as a form of self-love, as opposed to just a utilitarian “crank it out” way of getting temporary relief. If you love yourself, and you try to view self-pleasure as an expression of that love, it can satisfy you on an emotional level as well as physically. I’m not going to lie and pretend that masturbation is as good as regular sex (except in a handful of cases where it’s really good), but it can be a lot more emotionally powerful than you’d think if you use it in the right way.

I don’t, not really. It makes me depressed and suicidal. I do everything I can to not feel like that (therapy, diet, exercise, medication..etc) but the lack of intimacy on top of generally being very lonely makes me feel like something important is missing from my life and it’s preventing me from being happy.

Denial my friend, the answer is denial

I’m an introvert so I guess it’s easier for me, all I have to do is occasionally masturbate and occasionally meditate. That keeps me happy enough sexually and mentally. Every once in a while I try to pick up a lady.

I don’t deal, I hate being single, the loneliness is to much at times….