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People who are bothered by others wearing a mask while driving. Why do you care?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People who are bothered by others wearing a mask while driving. Why do you care?
People who are bothered by others wearing a mask while driving. Why do you care?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Why do we care, in general, about the harmless behaviors of others?

It’s just weird when I look in my rearview mirror and some dude wearing a bloody hockey mask is behind me with a machete.

It gives me the creeps.

As someone who tends to judge those people, I have no idea, it has zero effect on me.

Sometimes masks can be annoying to get juuust right, especially if you have a beard. I tend to keep it on so I don’t have to readjust it, especially if I have to stop at a couple places. I have a few masks and one of them is actually really comfortable. I kind of forget I have it on when I’m focused on the directions to where I’m going, or what exactly I have to get in the next store, or something like that

When I see others driving with a mask, I just assume they’re like me and they forget that they’re even wearing a mask, hop in their car and go.

It’s become second nature to me.