Domande di Internet

People of Internet. Would you like to move to USA? Why? Why not?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People of MassimoL. Would you like to move to USA? Why? Why not?
People of MassimoL. Would you like to move to USA? Why? Why not?

Ed ecco le risposte:

German here. The only place I would move to is Canada. Best holidays that I’ve spent so far. Lovely people, beautiful landscape, enough space and – most importantly – poutine!

If it wasn’t for the people, yes. But sadly there’s so many of them I don’t even want to visit. I’ll just go to Canada instead.

No thanks, y’all got issues

Nooo way…
I’m happy in Malaysia.
We have the best food!
People are kind to each other.

Nope. I’m happy living with Medicare, among a lot of other amazing things that Australia has to offer.