Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People from a country that previously was a dictatorship: What are some remnants?
People from a country that previously was a dictatorship: What are some remnants?
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I’m going to go ahead and say the lack of replies is an example of a remnant lmao
Unwillingness to talk about just about anything to do with their life: where they live, what’s it like there, what do they do for work – simple questions everyone tends to ask when meeting someone. I had contact with some Cuban refugees and they were reluctant to talk about ANYTHING to do with Cuba or their lives in Cuba.
Military power never ceases to arm twist civil power (Venezuela). In America, you should be very fucking careful with that affair between corporations and the military. That is a recipe for disaster.
The people’s House. It is now where the Parliament is.
The buildings and the flats.
The armament of the army remained mostly the same, but with various NATO improvements and some of their vehicles.
From the Ph here. Because of the dictatorship, our country drowned in debts. Following administrations only worsened the situation. Ironically, many people in my country believes that the dictator is somekind of hero and anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot who is a terrorist. I’m definitely migrating to another country once I am capable of doing it.