Domande di Internet

What’s the most interesting revelation you’ve had about the opposite sex?

Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s the most interesting revelation you’ve had about the opposite sex? What’s the most interesting revelation you’ve had about the opposite sex? Ed ecco le risposte: It’s all fun and games until you put her favorite bra in the dryer, even […]

Domande di Internet

Dear tattooed women, what field do you work in and has your tattoos ever impacted your career?

Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Dear tattooed women, what field do you work in and has your tattoos ever impacted your career? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: I’m a mortician. Yes, some of the stuffier places I worked I had […]

Domande di Internet

Why is your weight so “sticky”?

Bentornati ad un’altra stupefacente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! 291 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: Why is your weight so “sticky”? It seems like your weight can hit a statis or equilibrium point. And is tough to budge in either direction from it. Like, eat take out every night, it stays there. […]

Domande di Internet

What happened to the first person you had sex with?

Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What happened to the first person you had sex with? What happened to the first person you had sex with? Ed ecco le risposte: Lost track of him for about ten years. Next I heard about him he had murdered his […]

Domande di Internet

Daughters of angry fathers, how did you heal?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Daughters of angry fathers, how did you heal? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: I didn’t, truthfully. I became an angry daughter. thebluestblue1 Something visceral happens to me when people get loud and I cry very […]

Domande di Internet

What happened to the smartest kid in your class?

Bentornati ad un’altra eccezionale edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What happened to the smartest kid in your class? What happened to the smartest kid in your class? Ed ecco le risposte: Smartest guy from my high school became an actual rocket scientist. TheKaptinKirk There were two. They were twins. They’re […]

Domande di Internet

If your partner proposed right now, would you say yes or no? Why or why not ?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.If your partner proposed right now, would you say yes or no? Why or why not ? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: A second wedding seems over the top. WrestlingWoman I would say yes, because […]

Domande di Internet

I’m having hard time getting my head around the fact that there is no end to space. Is there really no end to space at all? How do we know?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! 4430 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami I’m having hard time getting my head around the fact that there is no end to space. Is there really no end to space at all? How do we know?Spiegami I’m having hard time getting my head […]

Domande di Internet

what is a good show that got canceled for no good reason?

Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: what is a good show that got canceled for no good reason? what is a good show that got canceled for no good reason? Ed ecco le risposte: Basically any Netflix series that people want to keep watching giveitagew I Am […]

Domande di Internet

If you could relive your last years, what would you change?

Bentornati ad un’altra eccezionale edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.If you could relive your last years, what would you change? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: Do exactly what I did but with more confidence. Things go as they go, just accept it. It makes […]