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Non-politicians, how would you feel about limiting all members of congress to an hourly wage of $14.50 (double the federal minimum wage) and holding them accountable to a minimum of 40 hours of work per week?

Excellent! We should do everything in our power to make sure no working-class or poor Americans can afford to serve in Congress. Too many of those damn rabble and we might risk a serious threat to our corporate hegemony. Furthermore we should make sure that any time Congress seems dysfunctional, salaries are cut off. That should provide additional pressure for the working-class schmucks to find a less stressful job that consistently keeps them and their family fed. Well, for certain values of “consistently.” No promises lol.

I don’t think lowering the wage would encourage people to get involved in government.

They do more and are worth more than $14.50 so why low ball them? And if ya want to hold them accountable have them lose their job if they lose an election open to citizens over 18.

What Congress does is worth a LOT more than $14.50 an hour. Nobody would ever want to be in Congress if that was their pay. Kinda defeats the point of having Congress.

I don’t mind the salary so much. What I do mind is congressmen being able to collect a pension after 5 years. I think that they should be held to 40 hours/wk, but have that time recorded in both the capitol and their respective state. They’ll have business in both. I also would like to see term limits. Honestly, I would even be ok if we just had politicians that did it for the people. Not money or anything. I feel like you shouldn’t profit from a public office. You should take the office to better your constituents.