Domande di Internet

Men of Internet who stopped wanting to have sex with their wives, why? And what happened?

I’ve always had a problem with intimacy. Something in my upbringing. I’m severely deficient in this area.

I can have sex anytime, anywhere, with nearly anyone. And I have.

But my two longest relationships? The previous one lacked any consistent sex even though the girl and I had amazing sexual chemistry. My marriage is near sexless and it’s 80% my fault.

The closer I get to someone in a relationship, the less interested in sex I get. I need to go through some therapy for the issue; I just haven’t been in a situation to receive it for a while.

A lighter take, perhaps.

I just wanted to sleep. Still happily married (5 years married, we’re in our 40s). At night, when I get in bed, I’m awake 15 minutes max before I am out (hard sleeper). Now we drill afternoon-delight style before dinner, and it has been like crossing the rubicon into a vastly better place.

People say “sleeping together.” I’m a big fan of sex, but I also love sleeping. I’m a sleepwalker and have a hard time staying asleep longer than a few hours, so a good night’s sleep is more valuable than gold to me. If she were to roll me over at 3am, she’ll get a few minutes of fury, but if she wants romance, I’ve got to be awake.

Took us a while to get synchronized, but I understand the frustration involved.