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Men of Internet, what are some tips you have for a new mom raising a son?

Raised by a single mother. Teach him respect, manners and how to be independent. Be open minded, save judgement and allow him to make mistakes. This helped me never to think twice coming to her about any issue (pregnancy scare, recreational use as a teenager, etc…)

My mom made sure I did my own laundry, helped with dishes, cleaned my room, the bathroom I used, opened doors for people (even so far as to pull me back by the collar of my shirt if I forgot).

Her main goal was that I wouldn’t be dependent on another person when I lived on my own.

Nice things: 1) A really big one was that she made me feel comfortable to talk about male things to her. 2) Be a friend, a friend that you can joke with and toss swearwords at in a jokeful manner.

Cringeworthy/kinda funny (she meant this as a joke): “If your wife doesn’t help you with chores I’m going to kill her.”

Things I wish she did different: 1) To help me with my studies, but in their organization, not pestering me with the standard mom quote: “Did you do this?” (I was a very good student and so were my friends, important in this next one) 2) Comparing me to friends, most moms do this and the ironic part that me and my friends realized is that each mom compares her child to the other one and that child’s mom is also comparing her child about the same thing, so it leads to nowhere as both moms compare their children to each other. (Doesn’t cause any rivalries or anything and this “comparing is mostly private”)

Things I liked being left to dad: Talk about girls and talk about being generally appealing as a male. (Basically more “serious” male things that you really can’t talk to your mom about, because she isn’t male and she wouldn’t really understand)

Hope this helps!