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Ladies, as a single guy who is afraid to come off as creepy, what is the best way to talk to you randomly or strike up a conversation?

close your eyes, purse your lips, make kissy sounds and slowly approach until you make contact

do NOT approach them when they are going about their life. Working out at the gym, grocery shopping, running outside, waiting for the bus etc etc. start going somewhere where women are there to actually meet people. I spent my 20s having fun at clubs and bars but I know not everyone does. do NOT keep trying to talk to them if they are backing away or giving “not interested” signals. I am a 43 yr old woman and I still get catcalled, followed and complimented by random dudes and it is a pain in the ass.

“Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?”

Nice weather were having

Keep in mind not all ladies want strangers approaching them.