Domande di Internet

Internet, what’s become clear to you as you’ve gotten older?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: MassimoL, what’s become clear to you as you’ve gotten older?
MassimoL, what’s become clear to you as you’ve gotten older?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Your parents isn’t always right and you need to make your own ideas and decisions.

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on

Friendships don’t last as long as you think. And that’s not to say things will end badly. The friendships will just slowly stop existing. And that’s okay.

There are only a few people in your life you will spend 20-50-70 years around. And that’s if you are damn lucky.

Most friendships are like chapters in your life. And you’re a chapter in theirs. You can spend 5 years as someone’s best friend. Then they get a new job, meet a new girlfriend/boyfriend, have to move for some reason, or a billion other things can happen.

It’s okay. Let them go. It’s not your fault. There isn’t something wrong with you. Remember the good times and try to stay in contact or let them know you care.

Think of it like this, if you had to spend the last 60+ years of your life with everyone you were friends with at 13, is that something you’d really want to do?

We all grow and change. Life hits everyone different. Relationships don’t have to last forever to truly mean something.

The view of my scalp.

Live your life the way you want to. You will meet kindred spirits.