Domande di Internet

In 50 years when we tell our kids and grandkids about 2020, what’s the first thing we tell them?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: In 50 years when we tell our kids and grandkids about 2020, what’s the first thing we tell them?
In 50 years when we tell our kids and grandkids about 2020, what’s the first thing we tell them?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The first rule of 2020? You don’t talk about 2020.

Ok, so for some context let me tell you about this gorilla from 2016

Never ask about this again.

“Gramma what happened in 2020?”

“2020-what? 2021? 2022? Be more specific child”.

Keep that up until eventually they get bored and leave.

2020 was a year that should be statistically impossible, yet it happened.