Domande di Internet

If someone offered you an island where you’d have plenty of food for the rest of your life but no human company, would you take it?

No. A few weeks maybe. Then I’d get bored and miss people. Sharing your journey through life with different people (and then doing the same back) is fun. Not always. But enough.

I’d love to say yes, but I know that after a few months I’d start to go a bit crazy. I’m not that keen on being around people, but I know everyone needs human contact to stay sane.

But I’d still be able to write and send off manuscripts and also get books on my kindle?

Sure. Because that would remove any financial worry forever. I’ve already lost my job due to covid. I’m older and finding a new job in the current situation is tricky. I’ve already had a couple marriages in my life and pretty much committed quite a while back to not having any more serious relationships so I can concentrate on writing. I don’t see how this island thing would be a negative to be honest.

What about health care, medicine, doctor, surgery, and all that?

What about shelter? And clothing?

And internet? Some kind of phone and computer? And what happens when they break?

What about running water, sewage system, plumbing?

Yes. So much yes.