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If a random person smiled at you, would you smile back? Why, or, why not?

From Texas, in general we usually smile back or nod our heads. Some form of acknowledgment, but my pissed of meter by mid day is normally at 80-94% so I may just nod my head without a smile. But it’s nothing personal.

Depends on who they are. If I get their vibe and stuff, for sure I’ll smile back, but if they’re looking kinda sus, then no

No because you never know where they been

I think it depends on who smiled at you. I’ll probably smile back if you’re a friendly neighbor. But if you are a completely strange boy, I will probably make a strange smile trying to show that I am not as comfortable or confident greeting you, at least to make it clear that it was weird that you greeted me

a guy on the bus gave me the creepiest smile once so no bro, i aint risking it