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How do you think future generations will view this pandemic?

Probably the same way we view past crisis or wars: through blurry lenses. It becomes easy to separate yourself from a historical event by the medium you see it. Think of it like the pictographs of past wars, the black and white photos of the world wars and the Old West, or the archaic language of Civil War soldiers letters. Even the grainy low resolution 4:3 footage of 9/11. By the time the next generation is old enough to even consider the significance of this event, all of the primary source material will seem weird and old and unapproachable to anyone that isn’t actively studying the event.

It’s the same as it ever was.

They’ll probably think of us as pretty stupid, not being more careful in the first place

“Sure it may have happened, but the whole world? Doesn’t seem believable.”

“Glad I wasn’t alive back then”

I think people in the future will have a very good idea what it’s like because of our social media posts, YouTube videos, and news articles.