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How do you think future generations will view this pandemic?

Some will call it fake like the moon landing or the holocaust. And I will be sad

I’d like to think people would learn from it. Not just the response to the flu itself but learn from the economic response as well…

…but I don’t have that much faith in people anymore. Future people will be as idiotic as we are. No one will learn a damn thing.

probably as a small matter cuz it wont kill more than 3% of 10,000,000,000

That is shows in crisis, populism doesn’t work!

In history books (definitely in the US, can’t speak for other countries) it’ll probably be taught as a precursor to a recession or possibly much worse but those aren’t the vibes I want to be emitting. I do think we’ll learn from it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we probably wouldn’t be so cautious about reopening if the second wave of the Spanish Flu hadn’t been so bad.