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How do skinny-ish people sleep?

I never sleep on my stomach because as you said, it can be uncomfortable, and for me, even painful at times. I usually sleep on my side or back

If I’m on my side I’ll place a pillow between my legs, if on my back I’ll just be flat.

You may need a different mattress, one that lends better support to your new body. If you find a lot of uncomfortable pressure points, you probably want a softer mattress. If you sleep on your back, you probably want a relatively firm one.

Get a new mattress, it shouldn’t hurt no matter what your weight or sleeping position. I move about so much in my sleep that I can’t sleep beside anyone and I still get at least 9 hours sleep without any pain… well as long as I don’t kick the wall

If you’ve only just lost the weight then you are probably noticing it more because of the change.

With my own weight loss I found that some of my fat eventually redistributed over my body, so that helped too.

The cushion was kinda nice though! 🙂

I never knew this problem existed! Wow!