Domande di Internet

Here is an idea – A presidential/ prime minister debate that is fact checked for every statement and you are only allowed a certain number of lies. If you run out, you cannot comment anymore and lose all your allotted time. How long will candidates in your country last ?

So, you mean people would have to pick their leaders based on true statements, and candidates would actually be worth people’s vote? YOU ARE DESTROYING MODERN DEMOCRACY!! STOP IT.

I think they should have the option to keep their time, if the moderator gets to kick them in the balls for each lie.

In the UK it would be hours. Our MPs just answer questions you didnt ask

If it were possible, none of them would last very long, right? But really that sounds incredibly tedious.

It would also be hopelessly lost to partisanship. You simply aren’t going to find a completely impartial agency to “fact check”.

Right after the first statement. He can’t stop lying.