Domande di Internet

Guys of Internet, what non-sexual things do you wish girls did to you more often?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Guys of MassimoL, what non-sexual things do you wish girls did to you more often?
Guys of MassimoL, what non-sexual things do you wish girls did to you more often?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I’m a married man now, but I always liked it when a woman I was dating would take me by the hand or wrist and lead me somewhere.

I got invited to a date where the girl took the lead, bought the beer, planned the route to show me a romatic spot and carried the conversation mostly. She just came up to me and asked me (we worked together). Everything seemed to be a spontanous desicion but i could tell that she planned it before hand. Was one of the best and most relaxing dates i ever had.

Sometimes I just (really) want to cuddle.

Play with my hair

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