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Dear Americans, after 4 years of terrible decisions, shame, and laughable situations.. how come this is happening again?

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Dear Americans, after 4 years of terrible decisions, shame, and laughable situations.. how come this is happening again?

Ed ecco le risposte:

not my comment, but

>Amy Walter on PBS just made an excellent point: after everything thats happened in the past 4 years and especially the past year, all the chaos and everything, when you look at the numbers we are basically exactly where we were 4 years ago. Waiting on the same states, almost the exact same map. How fucked is that? After all the scandals, impeachment, covid, almost a quarter million dead and we are still as divided as ever. What do we do? Where do we go from here? People in this country live in either 1 of 2 completely separate realities. How do you reconcile that? Can we? What will that lead to? Its so fucked

What happened in the last 4 years that made you think Americans wouldn’t reelect him? Just look at how they are handling the pandemic, that’s not Trump being a mask-refusing Karen in all those videos, that’s the average American.

It isn’t a matter or electing the “best” or most preferable option; it’s about teams. Many people no longer care about the candidate, they just care that their team wins. Even if their guy is a giant tool (and there are plenty on BOTH sides), they don’t mind putting that guy in power so long as it’s their guy.

The attitude has become: It’s not about ME winning, it’s about YOU losing.

I live in South Africa. If you want to look at what a real downward spiral in a broken government looks like, look at ours. With all the hatred and vitriol and scandal levelled at the US presidents over the years (all presidents faced ridicule and scandal) the US still functions better than most countries. This means that the checks and balances in the various government levels work. There are areas where the US can improve for sure, but if you compare the path our government has been on since the Mbeki years the US is not doing too badly.

I just realized. Don’t we still have that moratorium on US politics related post? Can we get a mod in here so we can go back to our regularly scheduled program of the same five sex questions over and over again?