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Crawling into a bed with fresh sheets after having just showered is truly one of the best feelings, what other experiences match or surpass it?

having a freshly showered woman in there waiting for you to cuddle

(Firefighter) When the fire dies out after you have been fighting it for 11 hours, and the pizza guy shows up. Best damn pizza I have ever eaten.

The second thing is probably a nice warm bath when you get home after said fire, and straight to bed right after

Plugging in a USB first try

Being out in the field (military) for over 6 months in the desert in the summer without being able to shower or change clothing because your pack was hit by an IED and destroyed and you are on water rations.

That first shower and fresh new socks. Nothing and I mean Nothing has ever felt better.

When your legs are freshly shaved and you have fresh sheets. That’s shit SMACKS