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Brits of Internet! American here! When you’re learning about the very long history of your nation, what’s the general tone or feeling when discussing colonial America and the war for independence?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Brits of MassimoL! American here! When you’re learning about the very long history of your nation, what’s the general tone or feeling when discussing colonial America and the war for independence?
Brits of MassimoL! American here! When you’re learning about the very long history of your nation, what’s the general tone or feeling when discussing colonial America and the war for independence?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I’m an American who asked this of a British friend of mine. His response was that, due to how much history they have, it is kind of glossed over in school.

“We sent colonists to the new world. Some revolted. There was a war. We lost. Now, there’s the US. Next topic.”

At school we don’t go into it in any way shape or form.

You are just one country out of 100s we invaded/colonised, destroyed, created, calved up, annexed.

There’s just not enough time.

Independence is basically covered in the same tone as an internal war like War of the Roses. In a neutral “And then this happened” way. Its not really a focus though, like there aren’t going to be any test questions on the revolution (Unlike the French revolution which is covered in detail)

The colonial period is covered much more, and is examined in a very negative light, with a focus on the slave trade.

A British friend of mine recently called America “the colonies”

‘Brits of MassimoL’ Yes a question I can answer!

‘Something history something colonial independence’ Ah shit