Domande di Internet

At what moment did you realize “Fuck I’m old”?

When my son could outrun me

I’m in my 30s. Several years ago when smart phones first came out I was content with my flip phone, and it took me way too and embarrassingly long to understand what “there’s an app for that meant.” I’ve actually only upgraded to a smart phone about 4 years ago, way behind the pack.

When I find myself grunting and groaning just to bend over to tie my shoes.

Me and my friends are moving into a new flat together and we were so fucking happy when we got a kitchen set for 200€ with a fridge and a fucking DISHWASHER. (The dishwasher was the one we were happy the most about.)

I was teaching a class last week and told my audience that they may need to MacGyver a solution if they come upon a certain problem. No one knew what that meant.