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At night, if I shine a flashlight in an ant for 45 seconds do they think it’s daytime and get freaked out? Does it blind them?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: At night, if I shine a flashlight in an ant for 45 seconds do they think it’s daytime and get freaked out? Does it blind them?
At night, if I shine a flashlight in an ant for 45 seconds do they think it’s daytime and get freaked out? Does it blind them?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Maybe they have a “biological clock” they just know when it’s time to work and sleep.

Maybe ants just don’t use the light to know day an night.

Try it. Only one way to find out.

Ants navigate by smell if it matters to your question.

what if this is what aliens ask about us and shooting stars are like their flare thingies?!???!

I don’t think so because ants never sleep