Domande di Internet

Americans of Internet, why are y’all so obsessed with guns?

Did you ever shoot a gun?

It’s really really really fun.

And when everyone’s ‘safe’


No one will be

You have a natural right to self-defence and it’s not the government’s place to decide whether you should be allowed to exercise it. And if the government goes to shit, the only way to guarantee that they won’t be allowed to turn tyrranical is if the people are armed.

Not all Americans. Just like not all of us are fat, not all of us are dumb, and not all of us have guns. That’s just all they talk about tho

Not every American is obsessed with guns. I wouldn’t call myself a gun enthusiast. I have never shot one personally, but I would like to someday.

A lot of foreigners seem to think we can just go down to the 7-Eleven and pick up an AR-15. That is simply not true. No, that is where we buy the fragmentation grenades.