Domande di Internet

American anti-maskers of Internet, the death of 3000 innocent americans (9/11) was enough reasoning to let the goverment violate your personal and private rights. Why are the death of 230.000 innocent americans not enough reasoning to put on a mask when close to other ppl?

Not an anti-masker, but from what I gathered talking to a few was that they would be willing to pick up a weapon to defend the freedom of all Americans, but asking them to be kind and use common sense is “taking away their rights”.

“Objection, your honor. Counsel is testifying.”

Because Americans… Are fucking idiots.

You of all people should know anti-maskers can’t read and will not give you an answer.

Can we stop with the “Flat earthers of MassimoL” “Anti-maskers of MassimoL” etc with this subreddit? I.E asking questions to an audience that definitely isn’t around.

None of them are going to answer and the entire post is just a circle jerk.