Desideri e conseguenze

Desiderio: I wish that whenever I searched using google, exactly what I wanted would show up as the top result.

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Ma… Hai mai pensato alle conseguenze che potrebbe avere?
Questa rubrica esplora le connessioni e l’impatto dei desideri… Se diventassero realtà

Nawrwhal: I wish that whenever I searched using google, exactly what I wanted would show up as the top result.

Please be more creative than “what I wanted” always shows up as the top result.

Ed ecco le possibili conseguenze:

Granted, you’re now stuck in an echo chamber, with whatever bias you have is now entertained by showing up as the first result, further solidifying your bias. Your worldview becomes more and more extremist as your friends and family become worried about you. Eventually shunned by those you hold dear due to your ever increasing extremism, you turn to a conspiracy theory or terrorist group (depending on your choice) and live your life mostly in solidarity due to your ever increasing paranoia.

granted. it’s always some weird fetish spin on that thing, and now you have a new fetish every time you google something

Granted, the page never loads

Granted, something else you’ve been wanting always pops up but never the thing you are currently searching for