Desideri e conseguenze

Desiderio: I wish I legally had the exact amount of money that I ever needed to purchase whatever I wanted.

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Questa rubrica esplora le connessioni e l’impatto dei desideri… Se diventassero realtà

new_refugee123456789: I wish I legally had the exact amount of money that I ever needed to purchase whatever I wanted.
I wish I legally had the exact amount of money that I ever needed to purchase whatever I wanted.

Ed ecco le possibili conseguenze:

Granted. Anytime you wish to make a purchase the exact amount you need appears instantly within your reach. Unfortunately the money appears in the form of physical currency with the least individual value (for example a penny from the US) from a nation with the weakest exchange rate to the nation’s currency you currently need.

Granted. It’s always in a currency from outside of the country you’re currently in.

Granted. You end up getting handouts that are conveniently exactly what you want. You purchase them with smiles.

Granted. Every time you want to purchase something the store goed bankrupt for some strange reason, so you can buy it for $0, which you always have legaly. You can never go back to the same place twice ever again since you bankrupt everything.

Granted. A nuclear accident wipes out the city you live in killing everyone around you and somehow miraculously leaving you alive but forced to be hooked up to a life support system that is too bulky to be moved, thus preventing you from ever leaving your bed or the room it is housed in. Thankfully, the US Government steps in to offer financial support for the lone survivor of the accident and you are given a blank check by the USA to spend in any way you please with a infinite amount of uses.