Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Because of the changing climate, natural disasters are happening to places that don't usually see that type of disaster. Here are some tips for hurricanes. Do not go into water you can't see through if you can avoid it. You can't see what kind of debris is […]
Autore: admin
Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Where where you, socially/mentally/emotionally/physically at 25 years old? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: im 25 and struggling, personally. Going back to school, not dating, figuring myself and life out. Actively in therapy and trying to […]
Bentornati ad un’altra stupefacente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s something that’s normal in porn but is unpleasant/disgusting in real life? What’s something that’s normal in porn but is unpleasant/disgusting in real life? Ed ecco le risposte: V to A, that’s okay A to V, it hurts to pee FlipperTDerp […]
Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Mini guida: Be gentle in correcting people who pronounce words incorrectly. Often, these people have made the effort to learn by themselves, so they don’t know how to pronounce things.
Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them? What can a stranger do in public that will immediately make you judge them? Ed ecco le risposte: Throw trash on the ground crumpana Scream at their […]
sejame85 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: My husband and I were over at my moms house today where my little sister stays. We were in the kitchen talking about how my sister pierced her ears at home without any ice etc and pushed the needle right through her ear. My sister goes “idk the […]
Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.Women of MassimoL, what is the most random thing you have cried about? Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: We were camping and I was making everyone smores. Every time everyone was taken care of and […]
Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: My sister in law is a dentist and she was saying how her best advice was just to brush your teeth and floss everyday and her job would mostly be made redundant. That made me wonder if people in other professions like finance or doctors or lawyers […]
Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! 1966 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami why an increase in temperatures by just 1 to 1.5°C is so fatal for the planet Hey there! With climate change being a hot topic for a while now I've always wondered why an increase in global […]
EE-12345 ci racconta la sua esperienza in amore: Just a couple of hours ago i came across a post about a man who found out that his wife of 10 years has been cheating on him with her ex whom she dated 13 years ago as of now. What's more worse is that it all […]