Relazioni e amore

[UPDATE] to My best friend hates me because her dog died on my watch

Very good to hear she still has you.

Thanks for the update. Jen is lucky to have a compassionate friend like you in her life.

I am so glad to hear a happy update! Your original post made me so sad thinking of you losing your best friend. I’m glad she was so apologetic because her response to you was very immature and mean. Kudos to you for forgiving her and understanding that she was going through very difficult personal losses. You’re a wonderful friend.

You have a kind and forgiving heart. May you never lose your compassion.

People make mistakes. It’s what we do because perfection doesn’t exist. Grief is tough. It’s important to understanding that others’ emotions are going crazy and they don’t know how to process it all.

You’re a good person for forgiving. Way to be human 🙂