Relazioni e amore

ThrowRA – HELP ME. I (22F) caught my Nan (66F) riding my boyfriend (23M). I think this is the fucking most awkward situation I have ever been in.

MrHonest2020 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa:

Okay. Let me start. I am a longtime Redditor (different account) and I know that you all will definitely dismiss this as spam. But I just need to emphasise – THIS IS NOT SPAM. This is singly the most fucking awkward situation I have ever been in. I feel like I can no longer look my bf or nan in the face ever again.

I’ve been on MassimoL long enough to know that this post WILL get downvoted like hell. Only here for the karma. Yadda yadda ya. No. I need some advice. Even if that means 10,000 downvotes in return. I need some advice.

Okay, so I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for 4 years. We are solid as a rock. We have a great relationship. How about the relationship with my Nan? Not so good. I have never felt particularly close to any of my grandparents growing up – I confided in my parents the most. By the way – my parents don’t know yet.

Okay, moving onto my Nan. She’s been divorced for 10 years after running off with another man. Let’s call the new man Dave. Now she’s split up from Dave and is currently single. Now, she’s always had a bit of a soft spot for the younger men, and is known to hop around the nightclubs. Well – obviously not at the minute. Currently my boyfriend and I are living with my Nan temporarily since our parents both live in central London. Obviously my Nan hasn’t been out on the town recently due to Covid-19 but I am a key worker so I am regularly out of the house. My bf works in a guitar shop however he has been furloughed so he is currently kicking around the house with nothing to do.

So I was out at work yesterday, running a late shift (10pm finish), and basically – all there is to know – is that I let myself into the house – I was confused as to why there was no one around. My Nan lives in a large open plan bungalow so I went and checked all of the rooms. BUT THAT’S WHEN I SAW THEM. MY NAN LITERALLY FUCKING MY BOYFRIEND. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?! The crazy thing is that they both knew that I would be back by 10 – so why choose a time when they knew I’d be back?? I am currently staying at a friend’s place while I recover. She is the only other person that knows what happened. My parents do not know.

What I need answers to:
– It is over with my bf. He is long gone. But what the fuck do I do with my Nan? At the end of the day – she is still family so there is no avoiding her.
– How the fuck do I break this to my parents?
– How the fuck am I ever going to look my Nan in the eye again?!

Thank you so much to whoever reads to the bottom of this. Let me just reiterate – THIS IS NOT SPAM. However you are all entitled to an opinion. Think what you like of me. BUT THIS IS NOT SPAM.


Waiting for this post to get downvoted like hell.

What a HORRIBLE, horrible thing for her to do. To her granddaughter! Please tell your parents ASAP. If I were you, I’d cut ties. That is a huge breach of trust.

> It is over with my bf. He is long gone. But what the fuck do I do with my Nan? At the end of the day – she is still family so there is no avoiding her.

Tell her to the face that she is a disgusting degenerate.

> How the fuck do I break this to my parents?

Simply tell them. I think that by now your family probably know this is something your nan is capable of doing.

> How the fuck am I ever going to look my Nan in the eye again?!

Don’t. Just ghost her. Hell, I wouldn’t even go to her funeral in a couple of years when she finally croaks blowing some guy in the clubs toilets.

Don’t have and sympathy for her. She betrayed you. She can go fuck herself.

Ride his Grandpa

Omg… This is so gross and disgusting… And completely on them.

Like others said, tell your parents, cut out the grandmother from your life. I wouldn’t even call, your parents can call if they want.

The BF must know he’s toast.

For your own mental health, I’d block both of them on social media, phone, etc. Go to work, stay and chill with your friend for the next while, then go to your parents. Use this “covid time” for working and feeling better. Buy something you’ve had your eye on. Watch your favorite movie. Make everything and everyone around you positive. Try to forget about this terrible situation.

Best case scenario you can laugh about this with your partner/friends in 10 years. Otherwise you can forget about it and move on. Believe me… Everyone is going to judge the hell out of the two of them.

In order:

Breakup w bf
Get him out the house
Tell parents/move in with them or someone who is not your bf fucking nan

Sorry this happened to you. Under no circumstances do you owe either of them a confrontation or any of your time other than telling your bf to leave. They dont deserve your time for an “explanation” or whatever. Dont fall into guilt or anger. And hey, at least youre not married!