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Should I tell my bf’s other woman’s live in partner/bf that she cheated on him?

I think staying with a guy who cheated on you for 4 long months is a bad choice. I do not believe that you are okay now. If you were, you would not be asking this question. If you want want to stir shit up by contacting her baby daddy, it’s going to cause chaos. Not sure why you would think it will bring you peace.

It’ll bring you more peace to dump the scrub and leave all of this useless drama behind.

Tell him because he deserves to know.

Also, leave your boyfriend. He will do this to you again.

My husband had an affair with a married woman. Both couples divorced and after a few months I told her husband. He was thankful to know. He said it helped explain why his wife suddenly changed and why his marriage imploded and she left him. He had not known about the affair and it helped him make sense of things.

That’s all. He wanted to get together and commiserate but I declined any further interactions. I didn’t want anything else, I just thought he would want to know.

Your peace will only come from breaking up with the guy who cheated you for 4 entire months. Then, if I were you, I would inform the other woman’s husband, cause he has a right to know.

The only reason I would consider not doing so would be if it would destroy their kid’s chance at happiness… Do you think those two can successfully coparent like adults, or are they bound to create messy drama?

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Yes. Not because it will make you feel better, but because it’s something they will need to work through. :/