I’m sorry this is happening to you. You are an adult and moving in with your boyfriend family sounds like the best option. Get out of the toxic environment, Unfortunately no matter what you are going to do it’s not going to be easy and you might have to deal with “repercussions” no matter what you decide. Even just staying with them is taking its toll on you. You can’t control what they will do, but you can control your life. Delete the pictures what are they going to say “hey sweety did you delete the nudes I had of you?” Play dumb what you had my nudes saved!? That is crossing many boundaries and super creepy. Then GTFO.
As a Filipino as well I understand the threats that you are receiving as I have been on that end in other situations multiple times. I’m onboard with the commenters saying you should just wipe their phones and play it off as a virus or software malfunction but I understand the fear of what might happen afterwards. Now I don’t 100% know your folks but Asian families in general are about reputation, I would consider any of those threats empty because in the end they’d be exposing their own as well as themselves as blackmailers. On one hand if they were to somehow do it anonymously it’d be a different story. So I’d suggest recording yourself going through their phones to prove that they were in possession of it and pull a reverse card. I’m sorry to hear about the suicidal emotions you’ve went through, having Asian parents is a difficult experience and it hurts when they respond with such toxicity. I’d (24F) be happy to lend an ear if you ever need it.