throwoutaccount576 ci racconta la sua esperienza in amore: I'm talking about the kind of girls who are usually direct, straightforward, take no bs and initially come across as cold or closed off. Some of these girl's are also comfortable in being their normal selves and aren't afraid of their flaws A friend of mine was […]
Categoria: Relazioni e amore
I segreti, le esperienze e i consigli delle relazioni amorose e non. Fidanzate e fidanzati, moglie e mariti, single.
02201970a ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: [TL;DR] I've found out my Mum is having an affair with a close family friend. I want to confront her or tell my Dad but we're all in stuck in lockdown together. Need advice on how to proceed Quick background: I'm the eldest of three siblings, my sister […]
BlueBirdOcean ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: So a few years ago, I was diagnosed with Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD) which for those of you who don't know is like a really extreme form of PMS. Aside from the unbearable pain that leaves me curled up in a crying ball, my mental health takes a […]
nonveganveganyogurt ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: Hi, I hope everyone is good. This is something i just have to get off my chest. I had been with my girlfriend for a little over two years when she broke up with me in college. She had said that it was because she wanted to grow […]
How to be sexier?
ActualReality5 ci racconta la sua esperienza: My girlfriend (26) and I (26m) have been together for about 2 years and we have a developed a pretty routine sex life. Sometimes though she will surprise me by doing things like going into the bedroom when we're hanging out and she'll emerge in lace lingerie. It makes […]
bradbrookequincy ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: First post: Earlier today, me and my date got together for another hiking trip. I was ready to tell her all about my history with her brother, but she actually started the conversation first and told me all about how after our first date, Colin talked […]
jennyanyanyanyanydot ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: We've known each other for over ten years and been together for 3. I had a daughter in 2013 who died of cancer before she turned a year old. My life sort of fell apart after that due to leaving an abusive relationship, and the ONLY THING of […]
NapsAreMyFavorite ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: So there is a show called black mirror on Netflix. We watched season 1 episode one last night. It was the episode where the princess gets kidnapped and the prime minister has to fuck a pig on live tv or they would kill her. Anyway, my boyfriend was […]
[deleted] ci racconta la sua esperienza: TL;DR: my child’s best friend’s father has been going around telling everybody at the kids school that I’m the psycho hoarder, just because I refuse to listen to his Marie Kondo bullshit. And XP from parenting I’m from culture A (where personal boundaries are very firmly preserved) where my […]
ThrowRA _ 2345677 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: La mia ragazza ha inventato una frase che ripete 30 volte al giorno – “zangoliamo e bruciamo!” Sono passate circa 4-6 settimane e non c'è fine in vista. Qualche consiglio? Chiedi ai suoi genitori di iniziare a dirlo, ti garantisco che diventerà immediatamente passe quando le […]