Relazioni e amore

My[29f] husband[28m] was raped by his boss and is convinced it was his fault and that he “cheated” on me. He won’t go to therapy

Beneficial-Broccoli ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: So I don’t want to get too deep into nitty gritty details about the whole thing that he went through, but just before quarantine my husband was raped multiple times by his boss. He didn’t tell me for about a month but I could tell something was wrong, […]

Relazioni e amore

Fiance [33M] dropped bombshell that he can’t be himself around me [30F] and called me a monster

Throwaway_nerdgal ci racconta la sua esperienza: Sorry about the length of this post. I've been with David for around 7 years. I consider him my best friend and we share friendship groups, hobbies, and interests so it's hard not to get a little codependant. 99% of the time he is kind, funny, considerate, and super […]

Relazioni e amore

My boyfriend raped a girl

LonerActual ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: Sorry for grammar, English isn't my first language. Today I realized my boyfriend raped a girl 3 years ago and I am so disappointed and shocked. We are together for 6 months, and he was always respectful and kind to me. I make part of a feminist project […]

Relazioni e amore

Is it weird that I’m (27, m) not okay with my personal relationship turning into a polyamourous one?

AUScott70 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: I've been engaged to my fiance(25, f) for one year. Our relationship has been two years and we've been friends for 6. She's always been monogamous but has decided she wants to be poly now and have us see other people on our own time and experience life […]

Relazioni e amore

My boyfriend let me keep one of his t shirts to sleep in and for when he’s not around and I am absolutely euphoric

yashqasw ci racconta la sua esperienza in amore: I just Im so happy because i love when we’re cuddling and i can smell him, but i always got sad whenever i had to leave for home, and now if i miss him i can just get the shirt and just straight up zone out. It […]

Relazioni e amore

Hi! I’m a barista (23F) I have a crush on a regular customer and I’m also very shy.

CJ_MR ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: I’ve been working at my cafe for more than a year now. There’s this guy who’ve been a regular since I first started, I didn’t like him instantly because he was always moody and he never smiles. I’m assuming he was very stressed at that time? But then, […]

Relazioni e amore

My boyfriend sells Pokemon Cards as his career and 3 years ago I cost him thousands of dollars in merchandise. He proposed to me this weekend but I can’t forgive myself for what happened 3 years ago, and I don’t think I can marry him because of it.

quotemild ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: I've (27F) been dating my boyfriend (26M) since 2016, and he proposed to me this past Sunday. I told him that my answer is probably yes, but I have to think about it. I told him there is just so much going on right now, what with the […]

Relazioni e amore

My girlfriend is on her period: what can I drive over as a gift?

Brown_Dawg1993 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: Hi so I want to get something to make her smile while she’s struggling with period cramps. I want to stay away from candy and chocolate because she’s been trying to lose weight recently and I want to respect that. What is something I can drive over to […]

Relazioni e amore

My [F19] boyfriend [M23] is an active 4chan member and created a rating scale for women

lilc18 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: I know 4chan is full of stuff you can't take too seriously, but I just found this rating scale on his computer which was created by him.

Relazioni e amore

My stepson (6m) calls me (31m) his fake dad, and I’m not sure how to feel about it.

ShelfLifeInc ci racconta la sua esperienza: He used to call me his other dad, he knows I'm his step dad, and has called me it a few times. My wife (28f) and her parents want him to call me just dad, but I've told them not to force it. Recently after a rare overnight stay […]