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How many people actually own sex toys? Is it as uncommon as it seems?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: How many people actually own sex toys? Is it as uncommon as it seems?
How many people actually own sex toys? Is it as uncommon as it seems?

Ed ecco le risposte:

First, tell me what isn’t a sex toy.

My wife owns a menacing strap on

When I was in high school there was a girl that was putting in a big online order for sex toys. Everybody lived with their parents and didn’t want their parents to get the delivery so people gave her the money and she acted as the dildo middle man. A lot of girls were in on it.

She told me that her dad ended up seeing the giant box full of hundreds of dollars of sex toys in her room, and was just too astonished to say anything about it.

Now I’m questioning if it’s weird that I have an entire dedicated drawer (and then some) of them. I wouldn’t say it’s at all uncommon, especially these days when you can literally buy vibrators off the shelf at Walmart and Target. My girl friends and I pass reviews and recommendations to each other fairly regularly and only a couple of guys I’ve dated have seemed a bit intimidated by my collection. In fact, most of them appreciate that I know what I like and are more than happy to take advantage of the accessories.

Anything is a sex toy if you’re brave enough.