Desideri e conseguenze

Desiderio: I wish for a cat toy for my cat he has been super bored and I miss him being wholesome and going frisky :(

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maxluigi256: I wish for a cat toy for my cat he has been super bored and I miss him being wholesome and going frisky 🙁
I wish for a cat toy for my cat he has been super bored and I miss him being wholesome and going frisky 🙁

Ed ecco le possibili conseguenze:

Granted. Now it sees you as its cat toy.

Granted. You decide to go out and buy your cat a fucking toy

Granted. He now uses you testicles as a cat toy.

Granted. You recieve a dead rat in the mail every day.

Off topic but will you get him one eventually? I can’t imagine my lazybone fur just sitting around without his toys