
[RDR] Jack Marston turned Arthur Morgan’s journal into a best-seller.

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[RDR] Jack Marston turned Arthur Morgan’s journal into a best-seller. e ci spiega:

In GTA V we can see in Franklin’s shelf a book titled Red Dead by J. Marston, this is a famous easter egg, but we know very well that John Marston never wrote any book, so it could only be his son Jack.

And this would make sense, his mother Abigail always wanted Jack to become an intellectual, like a lawyer, and in RDR2 we can see her pushing him to keep reading and studying, also Jack is quite fond of books. After his father dies and his revenge is complete, Jack haven’t much left to him, except his parent’s ranch and his dad’s belongings.

Including Arthur Morgan’s journal, Arthur was a good introspective writer (if you stop to read his journal), and his story is also John’s and is also Jack’s, so Jack adapts it into a book, and possible adds the story of his father as well.

I know if Arthur Morgan’s story was a book it would be a hell of a read.