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Is there anybody with such a large dick that they get dizzy when they have an erection?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Is there anybody with such a large dick that they get dizzy when they have an erection?
Is there anybody with such a large dick that they get dizzy when they have an erection?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My Google Fu says that an average erections require about 135 ml of blood whereas an average blood donations are of about 470 ml. The average erect penis (again according to Google, not my personal data) is 5.16 inches.

Assuming the amount of blood given during a donation is just under the amount that would make you pass out, the sudden erection of an 18 (17.96) inch penis might make you pass out?

I’m not sure if dizzy but the man with the largest dick is labeled disabled because he can hardly walk


I think the better question is how long would it theoretically have to be.

I suffer from enormous penis syndrome this is one of the common symptoms