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What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?

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What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Ripe strawberries

Fruits in general to be honest

Caprese salad made with fresh ingredients.


fresh guacamole

Redskin Spanish peanuts.


A cold honeycrisp apple on a hot day.

Raspberries are always amazing.

Watermelon, perfectly ripe peaches, raspberries, and fresh delicious carrots.

Blueberries. Also salmon

I might be a bear

Some high quality H2O.

Pico de gallo, it’s easy to make and doesn’t need a lot, makes anything you’re making so good

Cherries 🍒

Lemons, yes I know I’m crazy

Avocado with a pinch of salt

A well made chopped salad. I’m not sure if that’s big everywhere, but in Chicago a chopped salad is everything!

Ceviche. Especially with avocados. I could live on it.


Roasted broccoli

Lil Holy trinity on there (salt, pepper, garlic ppwder) and some olive oil, roast in the oven and it comes out crispy…

Hooo wee that’s good!