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What do you regret not doing as a teenager?

Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale!

Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne.What do you regret not doing as a teenager?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

I studied too much and didn’t have enough fun.

I should have kissed more girls and less boys.

Having sex, having a boyfriend, a girls’ holiday, nights out drinking and dancing. Basically, having fun.

Being more “rebellious”. Not the dangerous type of rebellion of course. But I had basically no real life experience until my mid 20’s because I was so sheltered.

I wish I’d gotten a breast reduction (not that my parents ever would have allowed it). I could have saved myself 20 years of pain, shame, and inability to exercise.

I wish I sought out extra cirriculars and community outside of my high school and my parents’ church.

Wacky haircuts. I had that “14 or 40” style, never dared to try anything.

Taking my education seriously

A lot 😅
Wish i didn’t care so much, partied, dated and stuff,.enjoying the moment more.

Go to public school. I was homeschooled and my mom (and other homeschoolers) had me convinced that public school was the worst place ever. But I was (and am) a super learner and would have really thrived in that environment, not to mention I would have had access to a counselor and college help. My parents didn’t help me with any of that. I think I would have been introduced to a wider group of diverse people too, which would have sped up the process of being more accepting and less judgmental of others.

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