Domande di Internet

What’s definitely getting out of hand?

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What’s definitely getting out of hand?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Already out of hand and has been for a while, but keeps getting worse: advertisements everywhere.

Grocery prices

Rent increases and mortgage rates

Short videos on every social media app. It destroys the attention span and critical thinking abilities, mainly for children that grow up with these apps watching endless short videos. They will have no motivation to do something else that costs more effort and it is truly concerning.

‘Main character’ syndrome



The level of brightness on new car lights

The cost to simply be alive and take care of yourself

People falsely claiming their dog is a service animal so they can take it with them anywhere they want.

Price gouging

Real estate prices

I’m finally earning a decent enough living to be able to own (and will be moving in next summer), but still can only afford condos or townhouses, and not even in my county. Have to go about thirty miles south where it’s a bit more affordable. Single family homes are all out. And for context, I net about $60K/yr and live in New Jersey. Also property taxes are insane here.


The pressure from social media to look absolutely perfect at all times, to the point where everyday people are having surgery to alter their looks.

Disneys remakes 😂

The ever widening political divide in America.

Ignorance. So many poorly educated people with no desire to learn. Self education is now seen as a chore instead of a great skill or power. Knowledge is power.

How people easily get replaced. Be it jobs, friendships or relationship.

People at the gym recording videos thinking everyone should let them have their way always at the gym since they are recording.

“Me me me” attitude. Social media has played a huge part of this attention seeking attitude. Everyone feels the need to be recognized.