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How has your body failed you as you’ve gotten older?

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How has your body failed you as you’ve gotten older?

Ed ecco le risposte:

My body hasn’t failed me I failed my body

28M here. I feared the day would come that I would start losing my hair and going bald. And sure enough i’m already starting to thin out and lose my hair 🙁

Everything officially snaps, crackles and pops

I have lower back pain.

Did you know that as you get older, these little pockets can start forming in your large intestine and colon that are called diverticula, and if anything passing through your digestive tract gets caught in there, it can cause an ailment known as diverticulitis, which if that goes unchecked for awhile then develops into an abscess? Well, I didn’t know any of that till last year.

So anyway, they had to remove 2 feet of my large intestine to fix it.