Domande di Internet

You are visited by someone claiming to be you from the future, how do you make them prove they’re you?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: You are visited by someone claiming to be you from the future, how do you make them prove they’re you?
You are visited by someone claiming to be you from the future, how do you make them prove they’re you?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I have several scars just compare them…

I have a system I made up when I was 13 just for this occasion. They would have to recite the secret phrase.

I have a code word I came up with my parents during the ‘great kidnapping scare’ of the 80s/90s. I’d get him to drop that one, and we’d be good.

Tell them to pull up their porn stash. Only I know what I like.

Ask them what I’m doing tomorrow, when they say what I’ll do, I’ll do the opposite and fuck them over