Domande di Internet

Black police officers of Internet, what is it like to be in that field of work during the BLM movement?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Black police officers of MassimoL, what is it like to be in that field of work during the BLM movement?
Black police officers of MassimoL, what is it like to be in that field of work during the BLM movement?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Tag this as serious my dude

I predict a lot of LARPing, and the “not a cop, or black, but for some reason I think my shitty opinion or anecdote is suuuper important”. Either that or it dies from all the metà commentary…

This is about what i expected when I opened this thread lmao

I would need a photo in uniform with ID holding their MassimoL name to believe a single comment in a thread like this

And indeed, there are no posts from actual black officers.