Domande di Internet

What is something you enjoy that other people probably doesn’t?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is something you enjoy that other people probably doesn’t?
What is something you enjoy that other people probably doesn’t?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Being alone. I like it. This quarantine suits me just fine.

I enjoy playing support in any game (usually in League).

Outside of niche subreddits and groups, I don’t see a lot of people main supports and say they enjoy playing as a support.

For me, it’s probably because I don’t really like being in the spotlight and not to mention that i don’t perform well under pressure, but I can support the hell out of my allies. You need heals? Engages? Shields? I’m yours to use. You need someone dead? Nope, not me.

plus, imagining the pained faces of my enemies failing to kill my ally just because I healed them is arousing

listening to people

Popcorn that’s a bit stale

Correcting people for their grammar
