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What is the best way to help a friend that’s suicidal?

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What is the best way to help a friend that’s suicidal?

Ed ecco le risposte:


Distract them and try to have an excuse to talk to them or be with them. When he/she rants just listen. Don’t advice until asked because sometimes they just want to rant and doesn’t really mean the harsh things they say

Should’ve put a serious tag on this

Don’t talk – listen. Don’t try to fix, just let them vent off the stuff they have been holding in that has led them to feel this way. Good luck. (Also is you think they are an imminent danger to themselves or others you would be right to call an ambulance for them as they have access to the correct resources for said situations).

Listen to him.Just listen.His/her feelings are valid.Dont dismiss these feelings.Also make plans for the future like go jogging or whatever.this will give him something even as small like this to look forward