Bentornati ad un’altra eccezionale edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s the most ominous product to advertise as “military grade”? What’s the most ominous product to advertise as “military grade”? Ed ecco le risposte: School clothing. StanMarsh02 Military grade laxatives Simp-Fried-Rice Military grade dildos Genocide_Fan Condoms VineyardCyan Food, accommodations and really […]
Mese: Luglio 2020
Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Every week pick 1 hour of your awake time that you will not do the thing your trying to quit. Each week add another hour. This makes it much less daunting. It's much easier to say “hey, I won't have any caffeine 9-10 this week” than quitting […]
Bentornati ad un’altra favoloso edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: NSFW What misconceptions did you have about sex when you were younger that you find laughable now? NSFW What misconceptions did you have about sex when you were younger that you find laughable now? Ed ecco le risposte: I thought during […]
Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Mini guida: if you get an ad on YouTube or several, there is an ‘i’ button click it and there is an option don’t show ad or something similar, click that and choose any reason, it cancels the ad right away and returns you to the video, […]
Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is the best way to help a friend that’s suicidal? What is the best way to help a friend that’s suicidal? Ed ecco le risposte: Listen Olimpiada80 Distract them and try to have an excuse to talk to them or […]
Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Click on the deleted video and copy the YouTube Id from the link(bolded) and paste it in a search engine, and most likely one of the pages in the link mentions the name of the song. If that dosen't work paste the ENTIRE youtube WEB link into […]
Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Since 2020 is basically Murphy’s Law every month, what is the most improbable thing that you have personally witnessed? Since 2020 is basically Murphy’s Law every month, what is the most improbable thing that you have personally witnessed? Ed ecco le […]
Consiglio del giorno che ti può essere utile: Add an authorized user to your own line of credit, this being your child, and give them the credit card with their name on it when they need cash (or just keep it and don’t peep 🤫🤫). do this only if you have great credit history because […]
Bentornati ad un’altra super edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Suicide hotline operators, have you ever had calls where you thought help wouldn’t reach your client in time? How did you come to terms with it? [Serious] Ed ecco le risposte: While not a suicide hoyline operator a friend called me […]
Consiglio del giorno che ti pu òessere utile: Mini guida: Se ti senti mai solo, prova a scrivere. Che si tratti di un diario, una lettera a qualcuno o una storia, l'atto di mettere le parole sulla carta ti farà sentire meno solo 🙂