
Back to the Future when Marty returns his name should be Dave.

Stiamo raccogliendo le teorie più belle sui film più famosi. Oggi l’utente 34erf sostiene che Back to the Future when Marty returns his name should be Dave. e ci spiega: In back to the future we see Marty’s actions affect future events, such as telling Goldie Wilson he will be mayor and playing Jonny b […]

Domande di Internet

Religious people of Internet, why is it common practice to refer to God as a “him” (not to be sexist or whatever), but wouldn’t it make more sense that God is not of either gender?

Bentornati ad un’altra stupefacente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Religious people of MassimoL, why is it common practice to refer to God as a “him” (not to be sexist or whatever), but wouldn’t it make more sense that God is not of either gender? Religious people of MassimoL, why is […]

Relazioni e amore

My (35M) wife (26F) gatekeeps sex, and refuses to let me ~*take care of myself*~

devinpr529 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: Not a throw-away, just new here. Just like the titles says, my wife doesn't like pornography (ok sure, fine.) or masturbation or masturbatory aid(s). She doesn't like for me to see nudity other than her body etc, (and to be fair, she is extremely beautiful) and she doesn't […]

Relazioni e amore

My boyfriend is trying to force me into something I don’t like

Pobodies__Nerfect ci racconta la sua esperienza: Info – I tried to break up with him some weeks ago but we decided to give the relationship another try. Today I [28F] was on the phone with him [35M]. Everything was great but then he mentions something. Nothing serious, just my boobs. He knows that my nipples […]


Giant Sequoias seem to have a very limited range. Why is this and how long have they been restricted to their current range?

Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una curiosità scientifica: Giant Sequoias seem to have a very limited range. Why is this and how long have they been restricted to their current range? Ed ecco le risposte degli esperti: Elevation, moisture, topography, and temps all play a role […]

Domande di Internet

How do baseball sized hails stay supported in culumonimbus clouds long enough to form that mass before they fall in hailstorms?

Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! 55 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami: How do baseball sized hails stay supported in culumonimbus clouds long enough to form that mass before they fall in hailstorms?Spiegami: How do baseball sized hails stay supported in culumonimbus clouds long enough to form that mass […]

Domande di Internet

What Game Do You Enjoy Watching Others Play and Why ?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What Game Do You Enjoy Watching Others Play and Why ? What Game Do You Enjoy Watching Others Play and Why ? Ed ecco le risposte: Skyrim. mayflours Scary games because I am too much of a weenie to play them […]

Domande di Internet

What is a movie quote that sums up 2020 so far?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is a movie quote that sums up 2020 so far? What is a movie quote that sums up 2020 so far? Ed ecco le risposte: Game Over, Man! Game Over! Unique_User_name_42 Fezzik: “Why do you wear a mask? Were you […]

Relazioni e amore

UPDATE: we broke up.

wisecrone ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: here is the previous post I shed a few tears but I feel so light! I never thought I’d feel this good over a breakup. He kept manipulating me and guilt tripping me over EVERY LITTLE THING until the end. The last thing I said was “I wish […]

Domande di Internet

What’s your favorite women-centered movies/tv shows?

Bentornati ad un’altra stupefacente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato una domanda rivolta alle donne. I discovered Fleabag and now I want MORE Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile: 30 Rock. Liz Lemon is a fantastic character. I can disagree with her and relate with her over and over again. […]